Stake Mining
| Bitcoin (BTC)| Stakes earned last 24hrs (0.00362746)| Total Wallet Balance (66.21022425)
| Litecoin (LTC)| Stakes earned last 24hrs (0.21176848)| Total Wallet Balance (3,865.30543225)
| Dogecoin (DOGE)| Stakes earned last 24hrs (117.77284239)| Total Wallet Balance (2,149,649)
Staking Coins
| 247coin (247)| Stakes earned last 24hrs (233)| Total Wallet Balance (1,216,524)
| Bean Cash (BEAN)| Stakes earned last 24hrs (552)| Total Wallet Balance (1,648,900)
| Housingcoin (HOUSING)| Stakes earned last 24hrs (990)| Total Wallet Balance (1,460,588)
| MonetaryUnit (MUE)| Stakes earned last 24hrs (9)| Total Wallet Balance (25,749)
| Pinecoin (PINE)| Stakes earned last 24hrs (361)| Total Wallet Balance (3,166,928)
| Stackbit (SBIT)| Stakes earned last 24hrs (26,694)| Total Wallet Balance (180,462,958)
| Womencoin (WOMEN)| Stakes earned last 24hrs (61,482)| Total Wallet Balance (460,025,670)
LockBox Holdings
| 96coin (96C)| Stakes earned last 24hrs (0)| Total Balance (41)
| BulletProof (BULLET)| Stakes earned last 24hrs (0)| Total Balance (150)
| Equity Real Estate Investment Token (E-REIT)| Stakes earned last 24hrs (-)| Total Balance (-)
| TR-808coin (808)| Stakes earned last 24hrs (167,449)| Total Balance (756,592,159)
| Proof of Stake Pools Token (POSP)| Tokens earned last 24hrs (431)| Total Balance (1,970,643)
| The Womencoin Foundation Token (TWFT)| Stakes earned last 24hrs (0)| Total Balance (10)
The Proof of Stake Pools Token (POSP) is currently being offered thru a pre-sale. You can purchase your POSP on our discord channel, POSP Discord. Tokens will be released for trading after the pre-sale has been completed, however you can still earn 8% APR on your tokens here on the website until the official release of tokens for trading.